Why Join A PROBUS Club?
The PROBUS Club movement originated in the early 1960’s when the first clubs were formed in Welwyn Garden City and Caterham.
The name derives for PROfessional and BUSiness with the purpose of providing a regular meeting point for retired professional and business men, particularly those who appreciate increasing social contacts with an opportunity to meet other retirees.
The accent is always on companionship and sociability, usually over lunch with a congenial and friendly atmosphere.
There are over 4,000 PROBUS Clubs spread over 22 countries with over 300,000 members.
The UK PROBUS website is www.probusonline.org and Edwalton PROBUS Club is registered.
Who are Edwalton PROBUS?
Established in 1990 the prime objective of the Edwalton PROBUS Club is to provide a meeting place for like minded people to enjoy a lunch together and relax afterwards with a guest speaker.
We meet every other Tuesday at 11.45am in the ambience of Welbeck Hall on the banks of the River Trent.
Edwalton PROBUS also arrange mid-summer and Christmas luncheons to include members and their guest at a wide range of venues.
In addition easy walk outings are programmed each year as well as visits to local places of interest. New members from any location are welcome.