Joining Edwalton PROBUS

On joining every new member receives a PROBUS badge, name badge and tie.

The Edwalton PROBUS Club meets every other Tuesday at 11:45 am. at Welbeck Hall in West Bridgford

Following pre lunch drinks we sit down for lunch at 12:15pm. with the guest Speaker. The luncheon proceedings follow a format of a welcome by the current President and Club news from other Officers. The President says Grace before dining. Following the 2 course lunch, at about 1:30pm the loyal toast is proposed by the President.Following this members move to an area set aside in the same room as the Speaker prepares to entertain members with an illustrated talk. This usually concludes between 2:00 and 2:30pm.

The AGM is held in November at which a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected. Also nominated to serve is a Catering Officer. There also is a Committee to manage the Club’s activities comprising of the above and another 2  members. 

The President serves for one year from the AGM in November having served the previous year as Vice President and Speaker Finder organising the after lunch guest Speakers.

The Edwalton PROBUS Club donates to Charities in various ways. Many speakers engaged by the Club direct their fees to Charity. In addition, annually, the retiring President has an agreed budget to donate to a Charity or Charities of his choice. These are usually local Charities.

Each member is issued with a current Membership Handbook that lists the annual serving Officers plus Committee Members and provides a current membership list with contact details.


Membership is currently £40.00 per annum due after each AGM. Meals are currently £15.00 per head. 

Apologies for absence need to be given to the Catering Officer at least 24 hours before any meeting to advise the caterers of numbers dining.

 On joining each member is allocated a number. During lunch a draw takes place to select a members number. The lucky member then enjoys a free meal. The guest Speaker is invited to draw this winning number.

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